
Showing posts from 2020

100 days - day 4

  Not much to write today, but things are still going well.  It was a cold morning at work, with a lot of wind. Today I focused on stairs and did 16 flights.  After getting home I did 50 squats. MJ and I went to Planet Fitness and I did a 20 minute walk on the treadmill, followed by some machine work in the ab room. We had BK for lunch and homemade soup and salad for dinner. Ackkk ants got to my banana bread and we had to throw it out without eating any. 14,250 steps Calories burned 2317 Calories eaten 1537  Gallon of water Selfie at BK

100 days - Day 3

I am so happy with my progress in the past 3 days. I feel a little sad that we are going on our honeymoon soon, and things will change, but I'm thrilled with myself that I did get a head start on this goal. I think that my breakfast was healthier, because I made a poached egg, but I added a slice of honey wheat toast.  It was cold this morning when I headed pout for my walk, so I decided to stay in and tackle the indoor workout. The 75hard program is suppose to include one workout indoors and one outdoors. I'm not forcing myself to follow the rules exactly, and have promised myself that I won't beat myself up if I slip up.  This morning I printed put multiple 30 challenges and completed day 1 of all of them. I also did a 25 minute meditation. I found an interesting video on YouTube about tapping for pain relief, so I did that as well. It is done the following way: "I have - name pain" Relax Tap side of pinky "Even though I have -insert issue- I

100 days.. Day 2

Day 2 This morning I worked for 4 hours. Did 19 flights of stairs and legwork. Walked 1 hour 1 gallon of water Diet intake 1273 Output 2467

100 days - Day 1

Lately, I have gotten many emails, informing me of new followers, which I don't understand at all, so I am beginning again with a fresh name.  I am now a married woman !!!  There are 100 days until my birthday, so it is time for a new journey. This is where I will be accountable for my progress. Day 1   Chores done:  Called workers compensation  Cancelled rental car  Menu and grocery list  Cleaned refrigerator Fitness:   Meditation 100 squats done 100 crunches done 45 minute walk  Diet:     144 oz water 24 oz unsweetened tea Measurements taken 152.6 lbs Intake 1022 Output 1856